Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to create new service name

In order to define a new service name:

1-) Modify service_names parameter and add new service name:
if spfile is used then
alter system set service_names='..., {new_service_name}' scope=both;
if init ora file is used then
  • alter system set service_names='..., {new_service_name}';
  • modify init ora file and add {new_service_name} to service_names parameter
2-) Add following SID description to listener configuration (listener.ora)
SID_LIST_... =
(SID_NAME = ...))
(SID_NAME = {oracle_sid})
(ORACLE_HOME ={oracle_home}))

3-) Restart listener.

Now you may connect to database using following tnsnames.ora configuration:

{tnsname}.WORLD = (DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = {host_name})(Port = {port}))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = {new_service_name})))

After login if you query v$session system view, you will see new service name in SERVICE_NAME column for your session.


Unknown said...

thanks you Very Much ...

Polelo said...

Thanks a lot, this helped a lot.